Sitemap - 2022 - The Rabbi Smith Bulletin

End 2022 by turbocharging 2023

Chanukah - Today, More Brilliant than Ever

Some don't like what I say

What a joyous whirlwind

Trenton, September 24, 2020

There is NO other way

Polls - How willing are you to buck Communist mind-games?

Exposé: The Chinese 'lab theory,' 'gain of function', bioweapons MYTH - how your mind and heart are being played

Join my new subscriber chat

Semi-Annual Situation Briefing and Strategy Call with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith (7 Cheshvan, 5783 - November 1, 2022)

Watch - Torah Action Plan to Save America: Moment of Silence

SHOCKING: How the Chinese Communists used allied doctors and the Wall Street Journal to build tyranny in America

Special for Founding Members - Upcoming Call

Upcoming Situation Briefing and Strategy Call

The solution to every problem - Joy

Part 3: How can we re-establish the world and increase to 80 Billion

The war against Chinuch has entered a new phase - disrupting the dedication of children into the service of G-d Al-mighty - and so must our proactive response enter a new phase

5-6 Parshas KiTzeitzei - Weekly Chapter & Verse - The Torah's plain meaning - the cure for today's problems

Part 2: Who would object to 80 Billion men and women?

Thought Shift - What tone is appropriate in exposing those who advance the agenda of Amalek, the Cult of Scarcity, the Enlightenment, etc.

What's on your mind?

A First Commandment and Blessing

Coming soon

Faith over Fear - An interview with Rabbi Smith

The underlying public health infrastructure is the real danger and must be dismantled

Passover Video Series

Why testing is the real trap - Part 10 - Finale

Building Our Spiritual Compass and Our Spiritual Backbone - Rabbi Smith Live in Crown Heights (topics👇)

The East. The West. - Are the Marxists Tricking Us?

Rabbis responsible for the well-being of the people


Why testing is the real trap - Part 9

Why testing is the real trap - Part 8

Purim Farbrenghen - Living the Tranquility in the Midst of the Storm

The Jews are the first target, but, the Rabbis, the first of the Jews

Why testing is the real trap - Part 7

Purim - why it matters to every human being today and every day

What drives them?

Why testing is the real trap - Part 6

Schreiber the Jew has Been Deleted

Rabbi Smith quoted on CDC coverup revelations; calls for dismantling public health/CDC

Why testing is the real trap - Part 5

Why testing is the real trap - Part 4

Can Liberty alone fix the world?

Why testing is the real trap - Part 3

Why testing is the real trap - Part 2

Phony Dialectic in the Ukraine - Resist the Deception

Why testing is the real trap - Part 1

People need our help... and now! To protect them from 'Shielding,' the public health war on man, marriage and family

Something really exciting at

Religious Exemption for Covid Vaccine a Big Mistake?

Employers – Just don’t do it

Rabbi Smith interview on Public Health ideology.

Rabbi Smith Interview - "Re-connect and Re-orient to G-d Almighty."

INTERVIEW: Don’t Cave to Fear