Part 3: How can we re-establish the world and increase to 80 Billion
The global solution is dependent on each individual couple's commitment to put procreative action ahead of intellect. And each single to create a couple and build an ever-growing family.
In Part 1, I wrote about G-d Al-mighty’s Vision and Plan for a world teeming with human beings. Be Fruitful and Multiply is the First Commandment and Blessing to every human being. It applies in all times and places.
The next obvious destination for the human population is 80 Billion.
Then in Part 2, I wrote about the astonishing fact that some are working day and night to eradicate the conceived and the pre-conceived.
So now Part 3: how can we restablish the world in accordance with G-d Al-mighty’s Vision and Will described in Part 1? How will 80 Billion unfold?
While the small-minded described in Part 2 should be exposed and stopped, that alone is not an answer.
Far too often I see people deeply offended by the population control measures and propaganda - but then it turns out they have one or no children, and may not even be married.
It is my business! The Enlightenment has infiltrated the pagan idea that what others do with their Divine Energy is not your business, as long as they don’t ‘hurt’ someone. This has gone so far that today murder is none of your business as long as it is between a consenting doctor and patient. This is the alleged pagan rede, “Do no harm, then do whatever you please,” brought is as the reigning ideology.
But, it is my business!
You need to know that you are Created in G-d Al-mighty’s Divine Image and you are worth being replicated. And I don’t mean just you, my dear so ‘put together,’ ‘sophisticated,’ ‘good’ reader. I mean every human being. Even the ones you look at askance saying to yourself, “those, we don’t need more of.” And, even the ones who are pulling down civilization as I write and you read.
When you think “those, we don’t need more of,” your thoughts could not be farther from the Spirit of G-d Al-mighty. In that thought, you are no different than any eugenicist, population control, family planning, abortionist, genocidist. After all they are just trying to take scarce resources away from those “we don’t need more of” or maybe '“any of,” at all.
Since you are a man, woman or child reading this, I know that by definition that you are worth replicating. Period. That’s G-d Al-mighty’s View of things. Period. And the advantage of making that the center of my experience of this life is that I don’t have to think about it or analyze it or make projections or have any concerns about. Or think about which people are more worthy of their being more of, or being at all. That’s only G-d Al-mighty’s department and He has no concerns.
And when you or I don’t live up to that View of who we really are and what we are here for, by preventing a child from coming to be, then we all suffer, we are all hurt. When you pass on having a child at all or another child if you already have one, not only are you telling G-d Al-mighty to ‘fly a kite but you are telling every other man, woman and child that they should ‘fly a kite’ also, their best interests don’t matter to you. And, you are telling yourself to ‘go fly a kite’ in the ultimate rebuke of yourself, demeaning your own value in being replicated.
So to repeat, you need to know that you are Created in G-d Al-mighty’s Divine Image and you are worth being replicated. And, this message needs to be delivered to every single human being. Now.1
Let’s get one other thing clear…
Many have rued the power graps over the past two and a half years. And, long for the way things were.
But, we don’t want to go back to the way things were!
We can’t let it go back to the way things were with civilization in a long imperceptable spiraling descent.2
Long before population control measures captured the public’s attention in 2020, the Cult of Scarcity was at work for thousands of years to shift how we think.
Population control measures, mandatory and voluntary, were are already in place worldwide for the majority of the world’s population prior to 2020.
In fact, you, my dear reader and your parents are probably already living out the lie of population control. Many of you are unmarried and/or have no children. The average number of children you have is 1.93. Your parents already had much smaller families than they grew up in.
By your parents generation, most people bought the lie that large families were no longer necessary. In school, we were told many children, the old fashioned way, was a way to create stable farm labor and no longer necessary or helpful in city living. Or the Irish had big families because they had too much alcohol - another demeaning lie to get you to have a smaller family or none at all.
Removing the influence of a certain individuals, foundations, NGOs or governments alone will not solve the problem. Even dismantling the entire world government system that has plagued the world since the League of Nations will not solve the problem.
What then is the solution?
The solution is you taking the action that G-d Al-mighty Blesses you and Commands you to do. Be Fruitful and Multiply. In doing so you will leap over all the twisted thinking, calculations and fears that you have incorporated into your worldview.
There is only one way to clear up that thinking and that is through action alone.
Merely talking about it will not change you or the world.
Actually having children will.3 4
Then, make sure that those children are raised free of the Enlightenment teachings and only in line with the teachings of the One Who brought them into existence and continues to bring them into existence.
Our individual lives, the town square and the business of government must be founded and lived on the certainty that G-d Al-mighty is the Creator and the Provider and that it is His Commands that we must follow.
If we try to secularize it and justify it on human logic, better logic and better calculations will be perversely invented to thwart the Divine Energy of expansion. If we try to get the right result through logical arguments such as ‘choice’ and ‘freedom’ there is no way to win. The utilitarian philosophy is already prepared to let you have ‘choice’ only to then tell you your ‘choice’ must make way for the best interests of the group as a whole, best interests as defined by the Cult of Scarcity.
Therefore, we must leave the Enlightenment sandbox of human logic, observation and measurement and embrace the unlimited Divine Wisdom of G-d Al-mighty which is available to every human being. This Divine Wisdom is what we call Torah.
All G-d Al-mighty’s Commands revolve around the first Command and Blessing - Be Fruitful and Multiply:
• Know that there is only G-d Al-mighty, Unlimited and All Capable providing abundantly for all His Creations. There is no place for your human calculations that seek to limit your population growth.
• Do not go after idolatrous ideas that deny G-d Al-mighty or place trust in limited created beings and ideas because that will lead you to reduce the number of children you have.
• Do not be ungrateful for G-d Al-mighty but rather honor Him and His Divine Wisdom which gives you the clarity to procreate without calculations.
• Do not murder, which includes any act to prevent a conception, or terminate a conception because those are all acts of preventing the Divine Image from coming into the world, just as bad as erasing an already existing person who is the Divine Image in the world.
• Do not be sexually immoral because those acts defeat and distract the Divine procreative energy. Those acts create confusion and waste and disspate the incredible Divine Creative power to procreate.
• Do not steal because theft represents your denial of G-d Al-mighty’s Abundance and His individual provision for you.
• Do not eat the limb of a living animal because that is a vulgar act of violence against life that when combined with your degraded and limited human logic will lead you to destroy your fellow humans, G-d forbid.
• Dedicate your entire life to raising and dedicating your children and others into the service of G-d Al-mighty and helping lift up every human being to the highest form of life which is in accordance with the Divine Image through justice.
This general sketch of Life according to G-d Al-mighty Spirit and Vision is an enduring foundation for human civilization upon which we will reach not only 80 billion thriving humans but well beyond with and in G-d Al-mighty’s Blessing.
May we experience this, now.5
Join my regular Torah learning for Jews and non-Jews at where we learn about the core issues and getting our life on track for joy, love and expansion.
This attitude of ‘Now’ will solve the crisis in finding the ‘right’ mate. Since the purpose of marriage in the minds of many has drifted from creating a vessel for Be Fruitful and Multiply to finding the ‘right one’, the ‘romantic feeling’, the ‘other half’, the ‘perfect one’ more and more people get stuck on the intellectual calculations, noticing the faults in the potential mate, and the feelings of reservation that are created by those calculations and then they can’t find their mate. If the attitude was one of mission and Now, they would find a mate just like a person would find, and board, the last ship out off the island without examining the quality of the food, the view and the musical band.
This drifting of purpose is not coincidental - it flows from the Enlightenment teachings and readings infiltrating into even the most religious of families and schools.
Clarity of purpose would also relieve so many couples of the pain of feeling that they are ‘not understood’, ‘not valued’, ‘not getting their needs met,’ etc., etc. These endless and unsatiable needs are foisted by the Enlightenment psychology into the weak minds of those who look to receive rather than give. The quick result is dissatisfaction and a war against the marriage and the cessation of Be Fruitful and Multiply not only for that couple, but for the children that they did have who become wary about life and live according to the poor example set for them.
Staying focused on Be Fruitful and Multiply as the core purpose, keeps a marriage on track. The Lubavitcher Rebbe speaks about how family planning and birth control creates Sholom Bayis (marital harmony) crises. Watch that here:
The proof that it was imperceptable is that you weren’t bothered by it and, on the contrary, actually bought each one of the Enlightment distortions.
We are ideally moved by G-d Al-mighty’s Command and Blessing alone. But, just in case you are the type who is moved by defiance, you should be aware that making memes, videos, writing articles and demonstrations attacking those who seek population control and reduction does not actually bother them as long as you have few or no children. Having children, and lots of them, is the only real act of defiance.
This call to have more children includes the cast of individuals most well-known for their anti-population views. When they have more children it will break them out of their own membership in the Cult of Scarcity and free them to use their G-d Given Talents to serve the growth of humanity. Growth in leaps and bounds.
Join my regular Torah learning for Jews and non-Jews at where we learn about the core issues and getting our life on track for joy, love and expansion.
Rabbi Smith, Shlita
While I tremendously admire large families, I accept that Hashem Blesses certain individuals with large families and other individuals with other Blessings. Moshe Rabbeinu only had 2 children and even divorced his wife. The Lubavitcher Rebbe and his wife didn't have children of their own yet the Rebbe was like a father to all.
That was Hashem's will. So we cant really make it sound like for every individual that procreating is the most important Mitzva. Maybe Hashem preordained no children for an individual sadly. All our Foremothers, Sarah, Rivka, Rochel (not sure about Leah) were barren as was Chana the Mother of Shmuel. Or maybe a sin that carries a punishment like Kares chas Vesholom is the reason one can't have children. While Teshuva is always an option it's not always so easy to do Teshuva, Hashem Yerachem to overturn the decree. Yes it's a Mitzva and we should make it a priority but perhaps Hashem Blesses some with children and not others... because a child is conceived with 3 partners. If Hashem is not a Partner it will not happen sadly.
I would prefer Rabbi Smith that we focus on all the 7 Noahide categories, the Torah for nonJews and all that it encompass rather than on procreation alone. Getting married to just anyone just to procreate can succeed but will it be a happy marriage and will the children see their parents who treat each other like King and Queen very connected to Hashem?
Isn't it true that Hashem wants couples to be compatible with a connection to each other from their Neshoma and connected to Hashem as a prerequisite for a healthy marriage?
Perhaps Rabbi Smith you can address the topic of Romance in Torah as it will be a popular subject for many who are confused.