Nice ! and a positively accurate and sane prediction.

Dont we see the hidden hand of Hashem that the site of the Bais Hamikdash is STILL in the hands of Yishmael who are not idol worshipers and believe in Hashem . They are protecting it !

Also the real site for Har Sinia is in Sauda Arabia 'Jabal al Laws' also under the control of Yishmael

No churches erected there! And no crowds of avodah Zara actually No crows at all only a Ten foot fence surounding the mountain. Same with the Temple Mount Nothing Secular there Ever.

Imagine the debates if the Zionists got control it would be a tragedy .

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So refreshing! Yasher koach Rabbi!

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Sorry with all due respect, living in America does not allow for understanding about what exactly is going on in Eretz Yisroel. Your continued posts regarding the obligations towards the Ishmaelites is twisting the knives into our hearts...

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With all due respect, Rabbi Smith does periodically visit the Holy Land and indeed makes time to visit with Arabs in their local communities.

In addition, as a colleague of his and the editor of this audio series, I would like to add that I do live in the Holy Land, and specifically in a community that is next to Arabs where I interact with them on a daily basis. I can attest to the fact that there is 100% a hope for achieving these goals, and we have already seen successes in our endeavors and interactions with them. So you might be quick to judge the Rabbi for living in America, but you should know he does have multiple counterparts (I am not the sole colleague of his here) on this side of the world who are very much living and breathing the Torah's message which he is teaching day-in and day-out.

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The vision that was communicated to me some years ago, after hours of praying during the high holidays, came down distilled into these words taken from various different paragraphs in the the Prayer book:

כי תעביר ממשלת זדון מן הארץ, יקירו וידעו, אני ראשון ואני אחרון, כי ביתי בת תפילה לכל העמים.

When you remove the evil tyranny from the earth, they will recognize and they will know, I am the first and I am the last, because my House is a house of prayer for all the nations.

And I see multitudes at the Beit HaMikdash rejoicing in unity.

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true So Says the RAMBAN in his speech of Barcilona

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Well put. As with so much else here.

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