Week's Roundup - How to understand high intensity conflicts and the Marxist phony dialectics they serve - Case Study - Israeli Judicial Reform
Highlights from this week's learning and events; An eternal message from the Torah about how G-d Al-mighty wants the Torah message of His Divine Wisdom to reach every single man, woman and child.
Did you know that the Torah has an eternal Divine Message that applies to every single human being? Authentic Torah learning grounds us in reality, both what we can observe and what is beyond our observation, grasp and even understanding, and leads to practical positive action. Positive for us and positive for those around us. Torah reveals our Divine Innate Spiritual Compass and brings our Spiritual Backbone to the forefront of life.
If you have adopted some or all of Enlightenment thinking, learning Torah will challenge everything you believe and hold dear.
In each Week’s Roundup, you will find a special topic, links to this week’s learning, the Torah perspective on current events, upcoming learning and action suggestions. This week we embrace Divine common sense helping us look beyond phony dialectics. Learn, take hope and take action, and share.
The third episode of the For 80 Billion: The Rabbi Smith Podcast will be an interview with Rabbi Yossi Schulman who is promoting the giving of Tzedakah (roughly but inaccurately translated as charity) among children and adults with his Unite the World project. You can watch the teaser here and watch the actual YouTube Premiere on Tuesday, August 8th, at 8 pm Eastern using this link.
Learning Torah, G-d Al-mighty’s Loving Divine Guidance for his Creation and for every human being, give us clarity of mind and heart to stay on course in every situation.
But Amalek, wants to get us off track, into conflict, into distractions and into despair.
The Marxists, as a tool of Amalek to crumble civilization, use something called phony dialectics to rile the population into choosing a side in a fight. Both sides advance the revolution and the counter-revolutionaries (the anti-Marxists) are always left scratching their heads how they lose ground at every turn. We see phony dialectics all around us.
A case in point, is the ‘battle’ in Israel over ‘judicial reform.’ When you listen to the two sides, you are corralled into choosing one of the sides. And then agitated into thinking that the position you have chosen is of critical importance. And those that disagree are the enemy. And, thus we have a Marxist victory.
The Marxist victory is the destruction caused by the fight. The Marxists don’t care which side wins.
The debate/battle of judicial reform is an opportunity for a case study to expose a phony dialectic and delve into how the Marxists drive people to take sides when there is no practical difference between the sides.
Superficially, one side might appear to you as Marxist and if you don’t like Marxism you will find yourself in the anti-Marxist reactionary camp.
Either way the Marxists are not sweating this - either way the revolution will be advanced. One side might strike you as more clearly Marxist so you would think the Marxists will lose if the other side wins. But the Marxists actually run the opposition to the revolution, choosing the terms of the debate, and making sure that the debate is over symbolic issues not real issues.
Irrelevant tactical issues versus real strategic issues is one of the topics we discussed here.
In a phony dialectic, not only are the real issues disguised but the parties to the fight are mis-portrayed to confuse the people. For example, in Israel, the Shas political party is portrayed as a religious party and ‘right wing’ — but the party was formed by International Socialist Shimon Peres to capture the Sefardic (Jews from Arabic countries) vote who would not vote for secular socialists and were alienated from the more ‘conservative’ parties composed of mostly Jews of European origin. It was a very reverend bloc of voters, deeply repectful of their rabbinic leaders. So the Socialists/Marxists created a party with a rabbi as a figurehead who endorsed nearly all the socialist revolutionary platform including dismantling the Holy Land, G-d forbid, and turning the land over to Marxist terrorists.1
We delve into this phony dialectic at length here.
The challenge with exposing phony dialectics is that every one is offended by the exposé. Since each person has become so invested in the side that they have chosen, they think that anything that would expose the falsehood of their chosen side must be an endorsement of the opposing side and therefore is a threat. But, both sides are false led by people with a track record of falsehood.
As we discuss in the video, the solution is each person using their own Divine Gift of Common Sense to see how they are being played against each other in someone else’s game, that they themselves are the target and their choosing a side in the phony dialectic is a victory for the Marxists who war against every person.
So a return to common sense, would open each person's eyes as to how the they are being confused. As one person wrote to me: "Astonishing when you begin to peel back the onion you see how many layers of lies have been constructed to keep everyone entangled in their web."
The purpose of learning Torah is to keep our mind and our heart clear to hear G-d Al-mighty's Divine Loving Guidance and make the simple small choices that keep us in the path of uplifting ourselves and others.
You can watch the video here where we expose the problem and suggest the solution for each of us. Let me know what makes you squirm and object! And what you agree with, too! And you will see your own insights into phony dialectics. Raging conflict is a good sign that a phony dialectic is at play.
Please share your comments and questions below!
Shabbos is coming, a reminder for every human being that they are an intentional creation of G-d Al-mighty right now and a continuing beneficiary of His Love, His Joy and His Abundance! What an incredible moment to increase even more in joy!
Action: Use the link above to check Yom Tov and Shabbos Candellighting times in your city around the world. Yom Tov and Shabbos Candlelighting time in New York City this week (8/4/23) is 7:50 pm and Shabbos ends at 8:52 pm.
Here is some of the learning we did this week:
These videos are available in the content library at RabbiSmith.org (in parentheses) and also on YouTube by clicking the name of the learning. When you watch on YouTube please like, share and subscribe so the message of hope reaches more and more people. See below at the end of this article a list of upcoming classes both in person and on Zoom.
Upcoming Release:
Sunday Learning
Wednesday Learning
👉 Zecharia 8:23: Cancelled
Thursday Learning
👉 Emunah (Faith) in Action - Cancelled
(Emunah (Faith) in Action Playlist)
👉 Case study - Judicial Reform in Israel: How Marxist Phony Dialectics Divert us from G-d & our fellow
Additional Learning
👉 Real Hope - stay focused, learn Divine Wisdom and increase human life
🌟🌟🌟 Paradigm Shift - G-d Al-mighty is your only source of life - Real liberty from bondage
On Substack this week:
On Substack, I write about the practical implications of Torah learning, and how to keep our thinking clear, grounded in honesty and common sense. Here’s The Rabbi Smith Bulletin for this week: A lot of great activity on Notes. Check them out on my Substack Profile2 or at the The Rabbi Smith Bulletin.
When you read the Notes, please be sure to like, comment, restack and share.
A Torah perspective on the world around us…
Ask in the comments below about topics and news you would like the Torah perspective on.
A thought in concluding for now…
Thank G-d, we live in the most inspiring and incredible times in the history of the world. We have a great and beautiful mission before us. The need in the people is great, time is of the essence and the undertaking is massive, but eminently doable with the help of G-d Al-mighty. Please consider a generous gift to bring this message of hope to thousands more people, by clicking here.
May G-d Al-mighty bless you and Gut Shabbos!
See more actions further down. Torah learning and positive actions are the key to our future.
Upcoming Learning:
All learning uses the following Zoom link: https://bit.ly/BeisMedrash. Sponsor learning in honor or memory of a loved one.
👉Yeshiva Shem V'Ever
Shabbos Afternoon (Saturday) 4 pm Eastern
We will be learning Torah relevant to non-Jews with Jews and non-Jews.
Tanya: Sha'ar Hayichud v'HaEmunah - the Gate of Oneness and Faith
In person only.
👉Rabbi Steif Mitzvos Hashem
SUNDAY 7 am Eastern (1 pm Germany time)
Rabbi Steif wrote this holy book to avert the Holocaust by making sure that both Jews and non-Jews should know clearly G-d Al-mighty's rules for non-Jews.
👉Zecharia 8:23 - Weekly Torah Portion, Prayer and Talmud
WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm Eastern
Learn the week's Torah Portion (parsha) as it is relevant to every man, Prayer for every man and portions of the Talmud that are relevant to non-Jews
👉Emunah (Faith) in Action
THURSDAY 10 am Eastern
Only with tranquility of the soul can we hear G-d Al-Mighty's voice clearly, know what to do and have the strength to do it effectively
👉Gate of Oneness
Words on the Torah Portion
The Torah Experience - Life Fully Lived
THURSDAY 8:00 pm Eastern - Not this coming week due to Shavuous
Study the Gate of Oneness (Sha'ar HaYichud) by the Mittler Rebbe which teaches us how to think clearly. Delivered by Rabbi Shimon Chyrek. Rabbi Smith speaks on the weekly Torah portion at the end of the class.
Tired of being played in phony dialectics? What can you do to get your head and heart clear of them?
This message of Hope can and must reach even more people, with you help. Please gift generously to propel this message to more people. Time is of the essence. The mission is monumental, but with G-d Al-mighty’s help it eminently possible. May G-d Al-mighty bless you for your generosity.
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The policies of the party are blatantly Marxist and totalitarian, as evidenced by the current head of that ‘religious’ party’s demand for door to door forcible Genetic Code Injections.
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